We are a party hire firm that was born at a party back in 2005. The idea came from a few of the following
scenarios: a CD was stolen during the night;
my favorite party goer playing nothing but Iron Maiden for hours on end; and
the volume was turned up to full at 4am annoying the neighbours.
As a result we:
- Converted CD's to MP3 = No more stolen CDs.
- Custom built a self-contained cabinet for the equipment.
- Wrote some software to make parties a little more friendly to guests,
by limiting the number of times an artist can be played in an hour.
- Ensured that volume changes are denied unless a password is entered into the interface.
The software has been continuously improved since the humble beginnings and there are
new features being added all the time.
If you think that we can be of service during your next event please
contact us.